Hope Farms

Enjoy this look into our work at Hope Farms!

We realize that we can't stop at teaching kids to reach for the healthier option; we must also help parents and caregivers provide it. We are working in Houston to establish a robust urban farm and local produce distribution system to ensure that tasty, affordable, fresh food choices are available to everyone.

Thanks to a generous seed grant from Wells Fargo Foundation and support from UnitedHealth Foundation, the USDA and many others, we have built the Hope Farms Agricultural Showcase and Training Center in the heart of Houston's historic Sunnyside neighborhood. An 7-acre urban farm in view of downtown skyscrapers, Hope Farms programs teach, empower and inspire healthy eating.

MISSION.jpgUsing organic regenerative methods to generate significant crops in the midst of one of the city's largest food deserts, we train U.S. military veterans and others to become new urban farmers, provide jobs and internships for neighborhood youth, and cooking and gardening classes for all ages. You can visit our farm stand on Saturday mornings to buy our freshly harvested produce, eggs and honey, or subscribe to Hope Farm Shares and have it delivered weekly to your door.


FIND OUT HOW YOU CAN HELP us continue to build our vision plan for the farm by investing in our Capital Campaign, or becoming a Grassroots Investor!

Contact us at info [at] recipe4success.org for more information.