Nancy G. Murray, Dr.P.H., M.A
Assistant Professor of Behavioral Sciences and Health Promotion

NancyMurray.pngNancy is Assistant Professor of Behavioral Sciences and Health Promotion with the Michael and Susan Dell Center for Advancement of Healthy Living at the University of Texas School of Public Health.  She currently serves as Director of Community Engagement for the Center for Clinical and Translational Sciences at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston and was formerly Deputy Director of the University of Texas Prevention Research Center program.

She received her Dr.P.H. in Health Promotion/Health Education at the University of Texas - Houston School of Public Health, her Masters in Developmental Psychology from the University of Southern California, and completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the Center for Health Promotion Research and Development. She has published on coordinated school health, physical activity, parent interventions for adolescent health promotion, violence prevention, tobacco prevention and cessation, and science education.

Nancy is currently PI on a CDC funded project, Investigation of the Role of School-Based Physical Activity on Indicators of Academic Performance among Elementary School Children, and an NIH-funded Science Education Partnership Award, Health, Education, and Discovering Science and Careers. Additional projects on school health for which she serves as Co-Investigator include the CATCH dissemination project, a project designed to reduce television viewing, and a school-community partnership project based in the Rio Grande Valley.  Dr. Murray was the lead author for the Education and Health chapter for Code Red: The Critical Condition of Health Care in Texas produced by the Task Force on Access to Health Care in Texas.