Seed-To-Plate Nutrition Education

Recipe4Success_SeedToPlateEducation.jpgOur 2006-2009 pilot program set out to translate research into action in select Houston ISD elementary schools, located in underserved communities, where RfS fine-tuned our Seed-to-Plate Nutrition Education™ model and continues to grant programming.

RfS web-based researchable database of best practices and resources, in Houston and around the world, plus an on-line forum are available to all those interested in entering a dialog to solve the problem of childhood obesity.

During the 2009/10 school year, the RfS Seed-to-Pate Nutrition Education™ Program Guide will undergo final field testing before it is made available nationally through a subscription based distribution system.  A planned July 2010 Summer Seminar will familiarize educators with the RfS Program Guide and train them to effectively implement our signature instruction.

RfS Seed-to-Plate Nutrition Education™ includes five core initiatives:

seed-bullet-small.gifRFS staff works with Team Nutrition Leaders (TNLs) in each elementary school, implements on-site RfS programming, mentors school wellness committees, and forges community collaborations to help establish a campus-wide culture of health.
seed-bullet-small.gifChefs in Schools™- professional chefs volunteer to teach monthly cooking classes to 4th graders using a curriculum and delivery designed by RfS staff of professional chefs and educators.

seed-bullet-small.gifRecipe Gardens™ - organic gardens designed and built on each participating campus serve as outdoor classrooms where RfS professional horticultural staff gives monthly gardening lessons to every member of the student body and mentor teachers to incorporate the garden into other core curriculum.

seed-bullet-small.gifEat This!™, Kids Dig It! ™ and Eat This, Baby! ™   - cooking and gardening after school classes provide age-appropriate experiential learning that further empowers children from Pre-K-5th grades to prepare their own fresh fruits and vegetables, and young parents to prepare healthy meals for their families.

seed-bullet-small.gifEat This! Summer Camps™- innovative curriculum introduces nine, ten and eleven year olds to the principals of marketing, tasks them with developing their own healthy food product and then to take it all the way to market.