Lyons3.jpgLyons Elementary

Co-S2P Team Leaders: Christine Mansfield & Jill Frischhertz

Team Nutrition Leader / Program Liason: LaShawnda Harris, Nurse and Myra Stuart, Physical Education Teacher

RFS Programming began - September 2010

Number of Children Served Each Month:
20 2nd-5th grade students participate in bi-weekly Seed-to-Plate Nutrition EducationTM  classes in the Recipe Garden and the culinary classroom.
Volunteer Activities and Projects

Summer 2010: A partnership between Lyons Elementary, CANDO, Recipe for Success, and The City of Houston Health Department is formed to bring Recipe for Success programming to Lyons.  
September 2010: After-school programming begins
October 2010:   The City of Houston Health Department funds the Lyons' Recipe Garden build.  The Health Department, CANDO, and RFS provide a team of volunteers to build a 4 bed garden in the courtyard of Lyons' campus. The City of Houston and RFS managed the build and Lyons' Administration, faculty, staff, and families, were all in attendance to participate in the build.
November 2010: Fourth grader, Vanesa Velazquez , is selected as the Grand Prize winner of the RFS Food Journalism Contest.  
December 2010: Healthy Cooking Demo for 4th graders and Award Ceremony for Food Journalism Contest Winners.  Author and contest judge, Gwen Zepeda presents awards and an inspirational speech to the students.  
January 2011: Food Journalism Contest winner, Vanesa Velazquez, is Chef for A Day at the Houstonian with executive chef Jeff Everts.  Vanesa and Chef Jeff prepare a delicious meal for her family, friends, and teachers.  
February 2011: Lyons celebrates GO TEXAN Day with a chili cook off, field day activities, and a petting zoo.  RFS Team Chefs and Chefs Advisory Board chefs are invited to be guest judges.  Chefs Molly Graham, Ruth Riojas, Miguel Riojas, and Justin Knox sample lots of chili and award prizes.  
March 2011:  CANDO hosts a press conference at Lyons to showcase the successful partnership between The Health Department, Recipe for Success, CANDO, and Lyons.

Lyons Recipe Garden: is situated in the courtyard of the elementary school and consists of 4 raised garden beds.   Each grade level shares half of a bed with a half of a bed dedicated to the RFS after school program.   

Wellness Committee: Lyons has developed a successful Garden & Wellness Committee that oversees planting and maintenance of the garden beds as well as an activities calendar full of events to that promote a culture of health and wellness on the campus.  

We know our message is getting through in part because: of the amazing energy and enthusiasm on campus for being healthy and fit.  As the second year of RFS programming begins, the school has received an overwhelming response from children who want to participate in the Seed-to-Plate Nutrition EducationTM  after school program.  

Christine & Jill's Update:
Lyons Elementary is proud to be starting its second year with the Recipe for Success Seed to Plate after-school program. In its first year alone, Lyons saw great success in both the culinary and gardening aspects of its program. The school's four garden beds were enthusiastically cared for by the school's students and staff, and several teachers actually started their own garden beds after seeing how rewarding the garden could be. The cooking aspect of the program was no different. Lyons students happily cooked and tried all of the Seed to Plate recipes, and teachers were always eager to get a sample. One student was even reported to have used her own money to buy a mini blender so she could make smoothies for her family all summer long.   This coming school year we expect more of the same from the great team at Lyons. The garden beds and cooking carts are ready for a new group of students, and the staff seems just as eager.