Whittier2.jpgWhittier Elementary

S2P Co-Team Leaders: Ben Nguyen & Rebecca Verm

RFS Programming began - September 2010

Team Nutrition Leader / Program Liason: Richard Solis, Coach & Lori Lueptow, Principal

Number of Children Served Each Month:
60 Kindergarten - 5th grades students participate in bi-weekly Seed-to-Plate Nutrition EducationTM after school classes in the Recipe Garden and culinary classroom.  

RFS Chefs Advisory Board Members who have taught at Briscoe: 
Nicole Livezy, Private Chef
Volunteer Activities and projects and Special Events

March 2011: Whittier Faculty & Staff win grand prize for the National Nutrition Month 5-A-Day Contest.  Green Plate Kids generously sponsored a catered lunch for the winning school.
October 2011: Whittier Garden Expansion.  RFS builds two additional beds to support the expansion of the after school program.

Whittier's Garden: consists of 14 raised garden beds, a habitat area, and Texas Native plants.  4 raised garden beds are dedicated to the Recipe for Success after school program, 10 beds are dedicated to the school day garden program.  

Wellness Committee: Chefs Ruth and Ben look forward to working with the Team Nutrition Leaders to develop an active Wellness Committee. 
We know our message is getting through because of after a year of successful programming two days a week, Whittier requested that Recipe for Success expand programming to five days a week to reach as many students across a wider range of grade levels.  Ms. Lueptow has dedicated a classroom for a permanent culinary lab and is thrilled that more of her students are going to be cooking and gardening with RFS.  It is her dream to even have an outdoor kitchen some day!

Chef Ruth & Chef Ben's Update.  
We are extremely excited to be leading the program Whittier Elementary.  We started off the school year by painting and sprucing up the newly dedicated culinary classroom.  We hope that bright murals of the garden will excite the students and motivate them to learn about cooking and gardening each time they come to class.  We had our first opportunity to interact with the parent community at the after school providers' fair hosted to showcase all of the after school progams.  Parent responses to our program were overwhelmingly positive.   With the support of Ms. Lueptow and Coach Solis, we expect to have a phenomenal school year.  Thanks to a generous 21st Century Grant, our program has been able to more than triple its student reach over last year.  Through this program extension we look forward to reaching all more students and their families.