October 2006 Archives

Think About It

Gracie Cavnar
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An Op-Ed by Harlan Coben in the New York Times this week railed agaist what he calls "Snack Tyranny"  and points out that any exercise benefit a child gains by soccer is wiped out by Ding Dongs. 

Excellent point. 

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Gracie Cavnar
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The language of food is universal.

Gracie Cavnar
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    "Please give special thanks to Chef Roberto Del Grande.   For first time, just a few minutes after Mr.Del Grande started to talk, my student Maria Chavez openly interacted with him.  Usually Maria is very shy and I could not find--until that moment--the way to motivate her.
    It was amazing to see her participating and enjoying the class. As an educator I appreciate the tremendous impact that Mr. Del Grande has made in the heart of all my children but especially Maria’s."
   Thanks, Sandra Garza
See Maria below interacting with Chef Robert

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November Cooking Clases Need Volunteers

Gracie Cavnar
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Download the November class schedule here and email [email protected] to let us know when you can help.

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Children, Chefs, VOLUNTEERS, Teachers and Parents--all enjoy the Recipe for Success Cooking Classes

Gracie Cavnar
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"I am having a ball!  It is so much fun to see how the children get into it--I'll be back for sure." exclaimed volunteer Phyllis Abyad after her first Chefs in Schools experience with Chef Ronnie Ortiz at Gross Elementary.  See volunteers Phyllis Abyad, Kim Tutcher and Mimi DelGrande below with children at Briscoe, Gross & Rodriguez.

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Can you spare 2 hours a month?

Gracie Cavnar
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Love to cook? Want to work beside your favorite chef?
Be a Recipe for Success volunteer and lend a hand at one of our Chefs in Schools 4th grade cooking classes. 
We conduct 22 classes a month.  Surely there is a day and time that works well for you to come help with one of them.  Each monthly class takes 2 hours of your time and promises lots of fun.  Email us at [email protected] to find out more.

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Take a Walk

Gracie Cavnar
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October is International Walk to School Month.
Find out more

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