There is a reason we advocate shopping the perimeter of the grocery store and keeping clear of those middle aisles packed with packaged foods. Over 10,000 new processed food products hit the market every year and there is a billion dollar industry focused on selling them to us. In his New York Times Magazine article, "The Extraordinary Science of Addictive Junk Food," journalist Michael Moss uncovers the frightening facts: Scientists have been creating new "foods" that actually cause us to overeat. Food companies are knowingly flooding the market and making millions of dollars on calorie-dense, nutritionally deficient foods that are cheap to make and that even the strongest among us can't resist. It's killing us. Read the entire story here.
Betcha Can't Eat Just One!
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This page contains a single entry by Gracie Cavnar published on February 25, 2013 8:21 PM.
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