So What? Girl Scout Journey This Summer

Volunteer Ambassador
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girl scouts.jpgRecipe For Success partners with the San Jacinto Council of Texas to lead Senior Girl Scouts through this amazing hands-on experience with sessions at both Hope Farms, our 7-acre farm just south of loop 610, and RecipeHouse, our teaching kitchen in the Museum District. Sow What is a social issue awareness program, which counts towards the Harvest Award, their highest achievement.
In the Sow What? Journey, Scouts learn about food--how and where it's grown, processed, distributed, and consumed-- and why it matters. Participants follow their food from the farm to the table, while learning the processes, skills, and considerations to grow, purchase, and create meals on their own. The girls are then asked to prepare and host a meal for their families using ingredients they have harvested and prepared and to provide a short presentation about the role urban agriculture plays in food accessibility solutions and food choices.

So What? Journey for Girl Scouts

Monday through Friday, June 4-8, 2018
9 a.m. to noon at Hope Farms

For more information and to register, please contact: [email protected]

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