May 2021 Archives

Pioneer Gets a Magical Dinner

Recipe for Success
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Erin-Stewart,Charlie-Ho,Adam-Stephens,Tommy-Lacsynski,Sasha-Grumman,Gracie-Cavnar,Martin-Stayer,Ojan-Bagher,Greg-MArtin,Felix-Florez,Barbara-McKnight-at-Delicious-Alchemy-Banquet_photo-Kirsten_Gilliam.jpgCelebratingRecipe for Success' 15 Year Mission

BY // 05.07.21

The Recipe for Success Foundation "Delicious Alchemy" dinner was glorious testament to the evolution of the seedling of an idea that was planted 15 years ago. Fifty generous patrons were seated for a 10-course dinner in the foundation's Gathering Barn, centerpiece of the seven-acre urban farm in Houston that is the pulse point of the Recipe for Success mission of battling childhood obesity.

Founders of the highly lauded program, Gracie and Bob Cavnar welcomed arrivals who passed the cocktail hour mingling amid Hope Farms' resplendent fields of vegetables and flowers. Missing from the verdant landscape were the entire crop of citrus trees and half of the fruit trees, victims of the February deep freeze. Before the night was over, the ever-creative Gracie Cavnar had announced a giving opportunity that would help replant the once-vibrant orchard. Read entire story.