Gracie Cavnar: November 2006 Archives

No cooking skills are required to lend a hand at one of our 21 monthly cooking classes for 4th graders--just a desire to help, a sense of adventure, love of children and perhaps enthusiasm about working side-by-side with Houston's finest chefs.  Download our December schedule and join in the fun.

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The holidays are a perfect excuse to spend quality time with your children in the kitchen, either whipping up traditional family favorites or exploring healthy new recipe ideas together.  The wonderful Houston chefs who donate their time to Recipe for Success’s Chefs in Schools program have been devising healthy seasonal alternatives that the children have loved--sometimes to their own surprise.  Try these yummy Sweet Potato Biscuits from Lauren Gockley, the pastry chef at Jean-George's Bank. Enjoy!

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The quiz !

British lawmakers are getting out in front of the need to curb advertising to children--read about it here.  Time to lean on Congress to implement  restrictions on junk food advertsing aimed at American children.  The millions spent on sophisticated marketing to ensare new young consumers regularly swamp the hard work and underfunded programs to encourage healthy eating.

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The children at MacGregor Elementary who are in Brennan’s Chef Randy Evan’s cooking class got a treat last week.  A PBS film crew visited them for an up-close look at how Recipe for Success and our Chefs in Schools program really works. 

The State of Denial

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If you read Parade Magazine today, it seems that Americans are beginning to pay attention to the idea of healthy eating.  Finally, a trend in the right direction.  According to Parade, 57% say that they are eating more salads and fruit.  But, it looks like they remain  in denial about their children, with only 9% of the parents surveyed claiming that their children are overweight.