Gracie Cavnar: February 2007 Archives

Love Kids? Love to Cook? Love to Help? or Love to hang out with Chefs?

Download our February volunteer calendar here.  There are over 20 opportunities to get hands-on in February with our Chefs in Schools program.  No cooking skills required, just enthusiasm for our goals of combating obesity by changing the way our children eat.  Who knows? You may pick up a great recipe too!
See you in class! 

The Recipe for Success Team

When people ask for my opinion regarding the cause of our current obesity epidemic among American children, my answer? It is a perfect storm of colliding cultural and agribusiness factors.  Nowhere have I seen the whole scenario laid out better than in the New York Times Magazine cover story by Michael Pollan that appeared on January 28, 2007:  The Age of Nutritionism.

The causes may be complex, but according to Pollan, the solution is simple:  Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.

I couldn't agree more.