Let Us Help You Promote Wellness at Work

wellness-seminar.pngWe offer a range of fun, effective Worksite Wellness programs for companies and organizations interested in supporting their colleagues' health goals.

Our professional chefs come to you, or your team can visit our RecipeHouse. We can give hands-on cooking classes to small groups or present demonstrations to large audiences. We will customize your program to offer simple, healthy and flavorful alternatives for everything from desk lunches to fast family meals, along with tips on how to "healthify" eating habits. 

Often your insurance company will cover the costs or give you discounts for providing nutrition education.

These classes offer a superb opportunity to emphasize team building and health awareness in your office environment. Although some classes are appropriate in only one format, most can be presented either as a hands-on experience for up to 25 participants or as a group demonstration. Printed recipes and tips for all participants are included. The cost of our worksite wellness programs is a charitable contribution to Recipe for Success Foundation and directly benefits our Seed-to-Plate Nutrition Education™ programs in Houston elementary schools.

More and more companies are looking for effective ways to help their associates lead healthier lives at work and at home.

Using the same proven methods that we have employed since 2005 to introduce over 16,000 children to healthier eating habits, our Recipe for Success Foundation Staff Chefs and members of our Chefs Advisory Board are pros at creating excitement about nutritious meals using fresh foods. We break down resistance to cooking and banish the thought that healthy food isn't tasty. We demystify home cooking and dispel misconceptions of inconvenience. We don't preach or bore our audience with a litany of do's and don'ts. We turn on taste buds and empower our students to make changes in their lives with a sense of enthusiasm, because Recipe for Success makes healthy eating FUN!