N.Q. Henderson Elementary

Henderson.jpgTeam Nutrition Leader: Dr. Freddy Davis, school nurse

RFS Team Leader: Chef Veronica Alford (Ronnie)
RFS Assistant S2P Teacher: Damian Wheatfall

RFS programming began - September 2006
Number of children served each month: 325 children, 2x per month
Every student in pre- K through 5th grade enjoys 20 hours a year of RFS Seed-to-Plate Nutrition Education™ integrated into their school day.

Other Programming: Eat This!™ After-School.  
25 students from all grades participate in a Tuesday/Thursday after-school class focused on creating healthy snacks and meals from just-picked seasonal garden produce.

RFS Chefs in Schools™ at Henderson: 
Ryan Pera, The Grove 
Claire Smith, Shade

Volunteer Activities and projects implemented on campus by RFS with our Partners:
Spring 2007 - GE volunteers painted murals in the cafeteria and RFS cooking classroom that were designed by artist, Amelia Hill and coordinated by artist William Betts.

Summer 2009 - 75 PricewaterhouseCoopers volunteers painted extensive murals in the hallways and our RFS classroom that were designed by artist Suzanne Sellers.  They also painted games on the blacktop and executed severla design enhancements in the RFS classroom.

Fall 2009 - GE Volunteers built new Recipe Gardens including five new 15 x 4' vegetable beds.

The Henderson Recipe Garden consists of four 15 x 4' beds, one 12 x 4' bed and four 4' x 3' beds with enough space to allow separate grade level growing areas.

Slow Food Houston and PricewaterhouseCoopers have adopted NQ Henderson after working with RFS there.  As a result of a request made on behalf of NQ Henderson by RFS staff, Lowes Toolbox for Education granted $4,000 toward expansion of the Recipe Gardens, which purchased critical materials for PWC volunteers to utilize in their 2009 workday.

We know our message is getting through in part because:  A parent recently stopped Chef Ronnie in the hall to share that her two children now wanted to cook at home. At first she was hesitant, but after being asked so many times, she gave in.  Her kids are now teaching her the new dishes that they learn with Chef Ronnie at school.  Not only do they suggest different foods for dinner, they regularly help her cook it, sharing regular quality time with together in the kitchen. Now the family is planning a garden!

Wellness Committee Update from Henderson

Still in the early phases, regular wellness committee meetings have opened up the teachers to new thoughts and ideas.  They are more willing to ask questions not simply focused on food, but also about really getting healthy.  These meetings have allowed for the teachers to realize that they are stressed, which is taking a toll on their body, mind and spirit.  T their request, Chef Ronnie is organizing classes for them with guest speakers and materials focused on manage their stress.  The first class will be a breath class that concentrates on health and wellness through breathing.  The second, now in the works is a Self Defense class that will combine protective moves with an aerobic work out.  There is also a new walking group taking small steps to get the faculty members walking to better health.

Chef Ronnie reports:  "My students are now helping out with the compost on their own.  They keep their pear and apple cores, banana peels and watermelon rinds from lunch and bring them to my class to toss in to the compost bin. They understand that recycling their scraps helps feed our garden."